Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It's really happening!!!

We have been renting the house I grew up in.
We intended to buy it from my Dad, so we jumped into homesteading and homemaking.

But really, this house and few acres isn't really, really, really ours...

But it will be on Friday, January 6, 2012 at 4:00pm EST!!!!

We are closing on our home, finally!

I won't be able to take a deep breath until it's all over... until we're homeowners... or, uh, mortgage holders that will be homeowners in 15 years or less :)


Melissa said...

Congratulations! This is wonderful on so many levels!!

Samantha said...

Congratulations!! This is amazing news! :)

Elisabeth Stone said...

OMG Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's soooo exciting and I'm extremely jealous but super happy for you guys :D
