Monday, February 27, 2012

What have I been doing?

I have people asking why I haven't been blogging.
Because I've been doing this...

while planning Triad Tot Toter stuff!

while getting a five dolla footlong!

while at the last Triad Tot Toter meetup!

while groceryshopping at Earth Fare!
(photobomb by Kate- hehe)

while feeding the chickens!

I would get nothing done if it weren't for babywearing... especially since Finn's allergies are acting up AND he's teething. Rough stuff, my friends, but I am able to stay productive by keeping Finn close.

Jackson has made great strides in potty learning and Keelin has her first loose tooth.
My world is changing :-/

1 comment:

S. Rowan Tackett said...

Impressive! I never was able to master a back carry in a wrap.