Tuesday, August 2, 2011

35 weeks!

35 weeks pregnant!
I've been wearing what has lovingly been referred to as "the Preggo-kini" this summer.

Not far from my due date.
Not that it really means much, since he will come when he's ready.

Everything he needs has been acquired, I'm almost finished prepping his diapers and clothes, and my next midwife appointment is a week from today!

Oh, and I've been killing my to-do lists!
I pretty much finished everything today that I had on my list for the whole week.
My new goal is to have finished my canning projects by the end of the week.
I still need to make spicy pickles, ketchup, and pasta sauce.
We'll see if I can pull it off :)
If I finish those things, I can forget about the rest of it until our blackberries ripen!
After that, nothing really to do preserving-wise until fall.


Waverly said...

Love the prego-kini! You are braver than I am - my bump is for private viewing only. Good for you! =)

Courtney said...

You look great! Hoping for a quick and safe delivery. <3

Kirsten said...

Hi there! I've been 'lurking' for a while and just wanted to say that you look awesome! You're getting so close and must be super excited to meet your baby! I'm 30 weeks along with my second baby, so it's fun to follow along with other women's journeys who are in a similar boat... :-)

Kirsten said...

Oops...forgot to invite you to stop by my blog if you ever have a chance!


Congratz and good luck! :-)

Lucy The Valiant said...

Awesome preggo-kini!

Dusti said...

Samantha, I felt that way with the first two babies. I was very self-conscious about my belly. This is our last, so we planned this to be a summer pregnancy and I decided I'd wear a bikini the whole time! :)

Courtney, thank you! <3

Kirsten, hi! I have been following your blog and love it! :) You look amazing.

Lucy, I love it!!